Travel Service
Travel Service|Hotel Tilun Dongpu SpaGuide Map of Dongpu Hot Spring Area
Ways to destination (Dongpu 東埔) or apply for Google Map (this will guide you to Dongpu Hot Spring Area). If you need to use public transporation frequently, traveling in Taiwan, apply for the EasyCard (NT$100 deposit) first. It can be used to Bus, MRT (metro), or Taiwan Railway and 5~10% off for the price of ticket.
Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Service (台灣好行) or apply for Google Map to the destination (Dongpu Hot Spring)
By Car
Mingjian Exit of Freeway No. 3, (國道3號) and turn left (Provincial Highway 3)台3線 to Mingjian 名間 ->Jiji 集集(Prov. Hwy 16)台16線 ->Shueili 水里 (Prov. Hwy 21)台21線 ->Shinyi 信義 -> Tongfu 東埔(Prov. Hwy 21 at 102.5k), Turn left (Nantou County Road 95)投95線 to Dongpu Hot Spring (around 8 km)
Taiwan High Speed Rail
Taichung Station 台中高鐵站-> Transfer via Nantou Bus 南投客運 to Sun Moon Lake 日月潭 ->Then take Yuanlin Bus 員林客運 to Dongpu Hot Spring 東埔溫泉區. You may transfer Taiwan Shuttle Tourist Bus 台灣好行 from Sun Moon Lake to Dongpu Hot Spring.
* Taiwan Shuttle Tourist Bus Puli Route Timetable
* Taiwan Shuttle Tourist Bus Sun Moon Lake Route Timetable
* Taiwan Shuttle Tourist Bus Checheng Route 6671
* Yuanlin Bus +886-49-2770041
Ershui Station and transfer via Jiji Line train to Shueili Station-> Transfer via Yuanlin Bus to Dongpu Hot Spring.
Take All-Da Bus at Taichung Gan-Cheng Station 干城車站 or Take the Shared Ride Taxi at Taichung Lu-Chuan W. Station to Shueili Township ->Transfer via Yuanlin Bus to Dongpu Hot Spring.
* Yunlin Bus Shueili station (06:00 / 08:00 / 09:00 / 13:00 / 14:30 / 17:40 /Friday 20:00) to Dongpu Hot Spring 東埔溫泉 ( Dongpu Hot Spring to Shueili 水里07:10 / 10:20 / 12:20 / 14:20 / 16:00 / 17:20 / 18:50 /Friday 21:10); Cash adult $118 / child $59; With IC card adult $103 / child $52,
* All Bus 6333D Taiwan GanCheng Station --Taichung High Station--Shueili (Taiwan Shuttle Tourist Bus Jiji Route ) Timetable
Taichung Ching Chuan Kang Airport-> Take the Taxi or Taichung Public Transportation to GanCheng Station or Lu-Chuan W. Station -> Transfer via All-Da Bus or the Shared Ride Taxi to Shueili Township-> Take Yuanlin Bus to Dongpu Hot Spring.
Pickup Service
Pick-up service is available; contact +886-49-2701616
Tel +886-49-2701618 分機120
Fax +886-49-2701360
Official Line I.D.: @423rspgm
Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Service (台灣好行) or apply for Google Map to the destination (Dongpu Hot Spring)
By Car
Mingjian Exit of Freeway No. 3, (國道3號) and turn left (Provincial Highway 3)台3線 to Mingjian 名間 ->Jiji 集集(Prov. Hwy 16)台16線 ->Shueili 水里 (Prov. Hwy 21)台21線 ->Shinyi 信義 -> Tongfu 東埔(Prov. Hwy 21 at 102.5k), Turn left (Nantou County Road 95)投95線 to Dongpu Hot Spring (around 8 km)
Taiwan High Speed Rail
Taichung Station 台中高鐵站-> Transfer via Nantou Bus 南投客運 to Sun Moon Lake 日月潭 ->Then take Yuanlin Bus 員林客運 to Dongpu Hot Spring 東埔溫泉區. You may transfer Taiwan Shuttle Tourist Bus 台灣好行 from Sun Moon Lake to Dongpu Hot Spring.
* Taiwan Shuttle Tourist Bus Puli Route Timetable
* Taiwan Shuttle Tourist Bus Sun Moon Lake Route Timetable
* Taiwan Shuttle Tourist Bus Checheng Route 6671
* Yuanlin Bus +886-49-2770041
Ershui Station and transfer via Jiji Line train to Shueili Station-> Transfer via Yuanlin Bus to Dongpu Hot Spring.
Take All-Da Bus at Taichung Gan-Cheng Station 干城車站 or Take the Shared Ride Taxi at Taichung Lu-Chuan W. Station to Shueili Township ->Transfer via Yuanlin Bus to Dongpu Hot Spring.
* Yunlin Bus Shueili station (06:00 / 08:00 / 09:00 / 13:00 / 14:30 / 17:40 /Friday 20:00) to Dongpu Hot Spring 東埔溫泉 ( Dongpu Hot Spring to Shueili 水里07:10 / 10:20 / 12:20 / 14:20 / 16:00 / 17:20 / 18:50 /Friday 21:10); Cash adult $118 / child $59; With IC card adult $103 / child $52,
* All Bus 6333D Taiwan GanCheng Station --Taichung High Station--Shueili (Taiwan Shuttle Tourist Bus Jiji Route ) Timetable
Taichung Ching Chuan Kang Airport-> Take the Taxi or Taichung Public Transportation to GanCheng Station or Lu-Chuan W. Station -> Transfer via All-Da Bus or the Shared Ride Taxi to Shueili Township-> Take Yuanlin Bus to Dongpu Hot Spring.
Pickup Service
Pick-up service is available; contact +886-49-2701616

Hotel Tilun Map of Nantou in Taiwan

Guide Map of Dongpu Hot Spring Area

Guide Map of Dongpu Hot Spring Area
Tel +886-49-2701618 分機120
Fax +886-49-2701360
Official Line I.D.: @423rspgm