Facilities|Hotel Tilun Dongpu SpaIndoor spa
Dongpu Hot Spring is mild alkaline sodium bicarbonate water with pH 7.2. The transparent, colorless, odorless and potable water helps chieve mental and physical relatxation.
Open hours- Weekday:14:00~22:00
※Fiday 23:00 - Weekend:09:00~22:00
- Thuesday:07:30~11:00
- Female nude:Sat. 22:30~24:00
Male nude:Sun. 07:00~08:30
費用- 大人$300元
- 兒童$250元
- (以上價格含露天湯與水療館)
- 房客免費使用
備註 請著泳衣、泳帽 - Weekday:14:00~22:00
Wash off all annoying things in your mind with the themed mineral springs.
The purest hot spring originates from Yushan, consisting of 11 mountain peaks with the highest, the Main Peak standing at 3952 meters.
Hotel Tilun Dongpu hot springs, spa.